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Appellate Court Asks Florida Supremes to Review Red Light Cameras


A review from Florida’s highest court on the constitutionality of red light cameras may have moved closer to certainty last week, when a state appeals court requested that the Supreme Court give a ruling on the controversial issue.

While the 3rd District appellate court in Aventura ruled in favor of the camera’s legality on Wednesday, they still felt compelled to call on state Justices to decide the matter once and for all. Many cities in Florida have shut down their red light camera systems, while many others - including the cities of Bradenton and Sarasota - continue to use the cameras.

Hollywood is one city that disbanded their program, after the 4th District Court of Appeals ruled that the municipal government’s partnering camera company was illegally handling matters that law dictates should be left to law enforcement.

The state court has not commented yet on whether it would accept a review of Florida’s red light camera laws, and it may be some time before it does so, if at all.


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