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County Moves Forward With Purchase of Sports Complex

BRADENTON – At Tuesday's meeting, the Manatee County Commission voted unanimously to move forward with a plan to purchase the Premier Sports Campus in Lakewood Ranch and operate it as a county facility.

In June, Rex Jensen, President and CEO of Schroeder-Manatee Ranch, presented the county with an offer to sell the approximately 127 acre facility, as well as an additional 36 acres of land to be used for a future county aquatics facility and other recreational amenities.

The purchase price of $5.2 million represents only the developer's improvements on the land. Commissioners were enthusiastic about the value of the acquisition and the opportunity to build on the current success of the site while continuing to create economic impact in the area.

"When I saw the offer price, I thought someone had made a mistake," said commission chair Betsy Benac.
"This is going to be a challenge, but I think Manatee County is up for it," Benac added.

"I've been out there when they have these events," said Commissioner Charles Smith, "and the amount of business they bring is just astounding. To see places like Burger King and Subway literally running out of food on the days they host these sporting events is unbelievable."

Under the proposed plan, the Bradenton Area CVB would manage the programming of all sports fields at the site, focusing on hosting both out-of-town tournaments and local play. The Manatee County Property Management Department would handle the maintenance of the complex on a daily basis. All current Premier Sports Campus staff would be retained by the county. The Manatee County Parks & Natural Resources Department would develop a master plan for the adjacent acreage for future recreational facilities, including an aquatic center.

Funding for the purchase would be provided via $3.2 million from tourism taxes and $2.1 million from Parks Impact Fees, which are attached to new construction in the surrounding area. After revenues, the annual operating costs are estimated at approximately $200,000 per year and would come from the county budget.

Tuesday's vote authorized the Bradenton Area CVB to seek the recommendation of the Manatee County Tourist Development Council at a December 4 meeting, to utilize up to $4 million of tourist tax proceeds that would include the $3.2 million of the acquisition cost for the campus and provide the necessary resources of approximately $800,000 to add a permanent restroom facility and an approximate 6,000 square foot indoor multipurpose building that would be utilized by out-of-town sports tournament promoters, who currently must rent tents.

The matter would then come back before the county commission for final approval at a December 7 meeting. The county plans to close on the property before the end of the calendar year.


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