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LBK Firefighter to Challenge Baugh in 2016


MANATEE COUNTY – Tom Batchelor, a firefighter/paramedic with the Town of Longboat Key's Fire-Rescue department, will take on first-term Manatee County Commissioner Vanessa Baugh when the district 5 seat comes up in next November's election. Batchelor is running as an independent and hopes to seize on the growing discontent with business-as-usual party politics.

When speaking to Batchelor, his own discontent with the way politics are done in Manatee County is quite obvious and it comes out in the passionate way he talks about creating change.

"I am not your typical politician," says Batchelor. "I'm doing this because I care about this community, and I want to see positive change. We need leadership."

Batchelor says his experience in Fire and Rescue will help him be an effective leader because it is a field that requires decisive action with little room for half measures.

He says that most issues impacting taxpayers come down to an honest conversation regarding what level of service they find acceptable and what such services cost.

"I think if you go to the taxpayer with a clear explanation of where we are at in terms of service, there are a lot of areas where they're not going to be satisfied. In many instances they will be willing to pay for improvements that they find essential. In some cases, they may find the price prohibitive, but I just don't see us having that sort of conversation right now. Instead, things get pushed through or ignored," said Batchelor.

As an example, Batchelor pointed to the proposed indigent care sales tax, which failed decisively when it was put to voters by referendum, though the county continued to fund many of the measures through reserves when the previous funding source ran out.

Batchelor realizes that in Baugh, he'll be facing a better-financed opponent who will bring the financial backing of east county developers and other special interests.

In 2012, Baugh narrowly defeated Manatee School Board member John Colon in the Republican Primary before going on to easily defeat former Bradenton City Councilman James Golden in the general election for the Republican-leaning seat. She spent over $81,000 in total for both races.

Kathleen Grant has filed to run against Baugh in the 2016 Republican primary. No Democrat has filed to run for the seat at this time.


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