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“Land clearing in anticipation of development” used to be defined by Manatee County as “Development”. And, since a Final Site Plan is required prior to “Development” the clearing was phased in smaller chunks as the site developed. Today, the definition of “Development” has changed and developers often get a “Mass Grading Permit” from SWFWMD - and the county allows them to clear the entire site. There is a legal argument that the county MUST allow them to clear the entire site. The site is sometimes cleared while still zoned “general agriculture” and the clearing is determined to be “agriculture”. All that aside, if the site will be clear cut, it will be difficult and expensive to control dust and erosion, but the responsibility lies with the developer - and the county needs to ensure it happens by requiring extra silt screens, more watering and anything else it takes to protect the public.

From: "Dust Control" on BOCC Meeting Agenda Next Week

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