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Do you think the Biden administration is doing an adequate job of addressing the border crisis?


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  • Dave

    We should bear in mind that the southern border has been an issue for years, even before the Trump years. Congress doesn't want to take a stand so it's left to regulations that originated in the Trump years. Biden's fault? I think rather it is Congress. And that said, I'm not sure there's a crisis, thousands are stopped at the border every day. That they are allowed into the country to wait for determination of their status isn't Biden, it's current law and regulations.

    Saturday, January 6 Report this

  • Charles

    Agree with Dave. The Biden administration is doing what is possible given the circumstances. The House of Representatives is the issue. If the crazies lose control of the House at the next election, perhaps some progress can be made. What the Biden administration has been able to do — is on the correct track for the country. Let's vote to keep the Biden administration because if the House becomes able to support it for another term, we could get some things done that are needed badly, but are being blocked by the crazies without concern for how it affects us. Let's get rid of those afraid to oppose the crazies at any level of government. It is up to us.

    Sunday, January 7 Report this

  • WTF

    We have a housing crisis here in the US already, this is making it worse. Listen to other democratic elected officials are saying.

    Eagle Pass, Texas CNN —

    A new surge of migrants at the US-Mexico border is overwhelming already-stretched resources and prompting urgent talks with Mexican officials as December border crossings reached a record monthly high.

    Border authorities encountered more than 225,000 migrants along the US-Mexico border this month, marking the highest monthly total recorded since 2000, according to preliminary Homeland Security statistics shared with CNN. Over the course of the month, authorities dealt with more than 10,000 migrants crossing daily until more recently, when the numbers began to drop.

    Even US cities far from the Mexican border are reaching a breaking point trying to manage the influx of migrants, several mayors told CNN on Friday.

    The shelter system for migrants in Chicago has reached capacity, the mayor said. And without a coordinated solution, the migrant crisis “is going to crush local economies,” Johnson said.

    “This national crisis is impacting – and it has the potential to destabilize – the financial obligations that we have in our cities,” Adams said.

    He said New York City might reach a “breaking point,” which could include forced cutbacks to school programs, the police department, trash pickup and resources for senior citizens.

    “Every agency and delivery of service in my city is going to be drastically impacted by the actions of picking up the tab of $5 billion this fiscal year, $12 billion of three years,” Adams said.


    Sunday, January 7 Report this

  • Charles

    An who is responsible for the housing crisis, W? You can't paralize government and have it work — stop being conned by those ginning up issues they refuse to co-operate on to solve. Voting out the crazies is the only option.

    Sunday, January 7 Report this

  • san.gander

    The border problem has beem there through three Presidents at least; Obama, Trump, and Biden! Dave is right... it will take an ACT OF CONGRESS to really decide policy on this. We should remember, we are all immigrants here... and yes that includes the first immigrants who walked here, or those that boated here later; and bear that in mind when setting policy.

    Wednesday, January 10 Report this