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WastePro Responds to Commissioner's Derogatory Comment

BRADENTON – The county's trash hauler of 16 years, Waste Pro, has responded to comments made by Manatee Commission Chair Kevin VanOstenbridge while speaking to some members of the public early last month.

A video posted to the online video-sharing platform, Vimeo, shared the commissioner’s comments as he addressed the room at a meeting of a right-wing political group on March 7. Van Ostenbridge touched on multiple topics related to the county commission and current government undertakings.

From sharing his account of what led to the public feud between himself and the mayor of Holmes Beach over a potential future parking garage on Anna Maria Island to a meeting Van Ostenbridge recounted having with the county attorney and former county administrator Scott Hopes to discuss the surplus and sale of the vacant lot that was the former site of the city hall building for the potential future development of condos, several inner efforts were disclosed by the chair.

One of the subjects addressed related to the county’s ongoing solicitations and negotiations for the hauling of commercial and residential trash, as well as recycling. In January, commissioners held a special meeting to discuss likely increases to residents for trash service, and ways to possibly minimize the increases–increases which are likely to come at a similar time as the county addressed a need toincrease rates for water and sewer services for residents as well.

In his public comments on March 7, Van Ostenbridge said that contracts for trash services that were solicited by the county came back "really high." He goes on to state that he "thinks" the county will "reject the contracts" it received due to "several things we didn’t like," including the way service pick-up zones were drawn.

"We’re probably going to put these back out for bid," the commissioner is heard saying on the video, adding that regardless, rates for trash and recycling services are destined to increase and the level of service may see a decrease from twice to once per week.

While explaining county strategies for attempting to lower prices to residents, Van Ostenbridge spoke of one collaborative zone for recycling that would jointly cover city and county residents under one contract. The commissioner then went on to explain why such a plan would not be feasible for general trash pick up as it may be for recycling service.

"I’m going to politely tell you that the rumors that I have heard are true about who owns and operates trash companies," Van Ostenbridge told residents. "You don’t want to be too dependent on one company for all of your trash pick up because it's a very tough business with a lot of tough characters that operate these companies."

The commissioner went on to describe a meeting with representatives of Waste Pro where "signatures were put on paper."

"The guy that runs Waste Pro is a super nice guy. He is from Parrish, a deacon at his church, a great ole boy, a member of Kiwanis, and everybody loves him–but he doesn't make the decisions." Van Ostenbridge continued, "When it came to actually sitting down and putting signatures on paper, 'Where's Bob?'" he said looking around to depict his confusion at the time.

"These four guys named Tony flew in from Jersey. They got off the private plane and they had their shirts half unbuttoned, and their chains, and their hair slicked back. I was like, who are you guys?" Van Ostenbdrige said.

"So, we’re not going to wrong them, I can tell you that," he added. "We’re going to honor that deal."

It is not clear from the video of his speaking engagement what deal Van Ostenbridge was specifically referring to, or what meeting the commissioner had attended where "papers" had been signed with Waste Pro.

TBT reached out to Waste Pro to request comment on the commissioner’s characterization of its company and negotiating representatives. In an email, a spokesperson for WastePro wrote that after reviewing the footage of Van Ostenbridge’s comments it was Waste Pro’s belief that the comments were "clearly in jest and not an actual representation of our leadership team or company values at Waste Pro."

Though the company is taking Van Ostenbridge’s regaling of his meeting with representatives of Waste Pro in stride, the spokesperson for the company added that Waste Pro disagrees "with the representation of the executive and leadership team that has been working with county staff during the negotiation process."

Concluding the email, the company’s spokesperson wrote, "All firms that submitted responses to the county’s request for proposals for solid waste and recycling services are under a cone of silence. As such, it would be inappropriate to comment further."

Waste Pro also stated that the company looks forward to the opportunity to continue to serve the residents and businesses in Manatee County as it has for the last 16 years.

To watch the video recording of Commissioner Van Ostenbridge addressing attendees of the March 7 meeting hosted by the Manatee Patriots, click the video below. To jump forward to the portion of his comments relating to trash rates and hauler contracts, begin at the minute mark 20:20.


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