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Council Corner: Josh Cramer: Ward 3

It feels like only a minute has passed since the swearing in! Since then, I’ve been fortunate to meet some more residents of Ward Three.

Several Ward Three residents attended the council workshop last Wednesday, January 25, to hear from three development groups regarding their proposals for the City Centre property. These proposals were just the next step in what will be a fully-transparent process.

Based on many of the emails I’ve received from concerned citizens, I’d like to clear up that what we are discussing is only the City Centre property–not the library, which is a Manatee County building.

Part of what we need, though, is to have conversations with our stakeholders on these proposals. That’s why all Council members will be hosting community meetings within their Ward regarding the considered disposition of City Hall and downtown redevelopment.

Three meetings are already scheduled, where Council members and other City staff members will talk to residents and gather feedback about the project. Check www.bradentonfl.gov/news or the City of Bradenton Facebook page for meeting times and locations. I hope to see you there!


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