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Council Corner: Pam Coachman, Ward 5


Here we are, midyear, at the beginning of summer, with some of our favorite holidays coming our way. The City of Bradenton is not taking a vacation; we are continuing to work towards keeping the Friendly City a place to enjoy a few leisurely summer days.

We are improving safety and quality of life with ongoing projects on sidewalks, walkways, and water management needs.

With hurricane season upon us, we want you to know that the City, County, and higher levels of government are actively collaborating to provide effective strategic emergency responses. We are committed to keeping the community informed and utilizing expertise to address our needs in times of crisis.

We hope you had an enjoyable weekend celebrating Father’s Day. I wish all those who embrace the role and duties of fatherhood a wonderful belated Father’s Day.

Of course, let us not forget to come out to the Manatee Juneteenth Community Celebration. The festival will take place on Saturday, June 22 at the 13th Avenue Dream Center from 2:00 to 7:00 p.m.

Summer is a great time for cookouts and get-togethers. Please be safe outdoors and protect yourselves from heat-related or inclement weather conditions.

Have a joyous remainder of the summer and a Happy 4th of July! Safe travels in your daily routines and on your trips away from home.


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