Manatee County District 1 School Board candidate Heather Felton joins TBT Editor Mitch Maley to discuss why she decided to leave teaching to seek a seat on the board in this August's election. Learn more about Heather at
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Excellent podcast! What a great candidate for the school board! It would be nice to have her perspective for both parents and teachers on the School Board. Current teachers who point out the exact same reasons for leaving the profession are called a “disgrace” by the administration. What other profession can you have a master’s degree with years of experience, and make as much as a brand-new teacher with no experience? Why do many of our teachers work a second job to make ends meet? Why is it that a teacher, even one with a second job, needs either a co-signer or a roommate to rent an apartment in our community? Too much teacher time is being wasted by the micromanagement of administration and others.
Monday, July 15, 2024 Report this