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Letter to the Editor

Judy for Mayor!


I invite you to support and VOTE for the re-election of Mayor Judy Titsworth. There has never been a time when experience, leadership, knowledge of, and commitment to our city were more important. I have had the opportunity to work with Judy for the past six years and can say without hesitation that she possesses the skills, determination and care to provide careful and prudent leadership.

Long before the recent storms struck, Judy assembled a team of competent and educated department leaders who also possess the skills necessary to work together for the betterment and effective functions of our City. I have observed her steady hand under difficult conditions while maintaining full support and cooperation from a very capable staff. The culture within the City Administration and City Commission is cohesive, effective, and positive, resulting in balanced management and problem-solving solutions.

Judy’s lifelong existence in our City has provided the history, relationships and knowledge necessary to plan for the future and manage the present. Our City is on a very solid financial basis with adequate reserves and a budget process incorporating full department inclusion and oversight from the City Commission, resulting in the ability to keep up with the changing demands and challenges of an evolving city while emphasizing a clear focus on residential quality of life for residents, visitors and businesses alike.

In addition, her tenure has resulted in reliable relationships with our Federal, State, and local elected officials. Voters have a choice this season. I strongly recommend a proven, successful leader rather than an inexperienced individual who has had no volunteer or elected involvement in your city.


Terry Schaefer Chair,
Holmes Beach Commission


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