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Letter: We Must Not be Silenced by Fear

I was picking up a few items at the Publix here in Palmetto, wearing my mask, as I do having COPD and a woman walked by with a T-shirt that said "Your Mask works as well as Biden."

Now I'm all for not "abridging the freedom of speech" and I realized that I was abridging my freedom of speech. Other liberal and progressive people I have talked with are letting fear abridge their speech for fear for our safety, fear of damage to our property, and fear for our families and friends; fear of violence.

Bad things happen when people are afraid to speak up. Genocide happens when people don't speak up. Fascism happens when people don't speak up. Books are banned when people don't speak up. Rights are lost when people don't speak up. The bosses and money run our government when people don't speak up. Children are shot down in schools when people don't speak up.

I will no longer let fear abridge my speech. It's time to come out of the closet, it's time for all of us to come out of the closet. 92% of Floridians believe in some form of gun control. Wear a ban assault weapons pin. 56%
of Floridians support choice. Wear the green scarf or wear a CHOICE or Fos Feminista pin to show what you believe. Do you have a queer friend, wear a rainbow pin to show them you care.

Come out of the closet. Don't let fear rule your life, your children's lives or your grandchildren's lives. Bad things happen when people don't speak up.

Kathern Groulx


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