Lois J Wilson, 75, of Bradenton, FL died suddenly in a car accident in Reston, VA May 15, 2024. Born in Pittsburgh, PA to Frederich J Wilson (deceased) and Barbara M Wilson (deceased) she is survived by her sister June Begany (Paul, deceased) , her brother Douglas Wilson her godchildren Michael Dellert, Peter Dellert. Nan Turner and many friends in the Fort Lauderdale, FL, and Bradenton, FL areas. A service of Witness to the Resurrection will be held on Saturday, June 8 at 2:00 in the Chapel at Westminster Manor.
She graduated from the University of Pennsylvania Hospital School of Nursing, Later she obtained a degree in journalism from Columbia. She completed her education by getting her license as Nurse Practioner. She specialized in neonatal intensive care nursing for most of her career but retired as an instructor in the Broward Community College Nursing program. She was active at New Hope Christian church, leading the women's prayer ministry and deeply involved in their missions program. Since moving to Westminster Manor in Bradenton, she has become active at Bradenton Christian Reformed in their prayer ministry and as a bell ringer. She will be deeply missed by many.