The Pledge was led by John Carlock, Vietnam veteran and long-time coach of baseball and softball at Manatee High School.Van Ostenbridge praised him, leading a motion to name one of the ball fields at G.T. Bray Park in honor of him.Approved 6-0.
Presentations/awards and proclamations
Citizen Comments for Future Agenda Items - 15citizens commented, summarized:
Consent agenda Items 12-15 were pulled by Ballard – regarding grants for library materials for the Lakewood Ranch community library.
Ballard stated she was concerned about the restrictions imposed on grant money to the library to purchase materials. Tammy Parrot, Manatee County Library Services Manager responded that there were 3 different grants: the Friends of the Lakewood Ranch library which does restrict some funds to be spent on large print, children’s materials, and Spanish language materials; the Library Foundation which has no restrictions; and the Eaton Fund which is for local history books.
Ballard said she was satisfied. Satcher commented that he was concerned that the library would contain "explicit“ materials available to children. He did not want library staff maintaining those books or pushing a "woke“ agenda. Van Ostenbridge stated that library staff has been following previously determined policies. Ballard added that she is planning a library work session that will discuss how books are selected.
Public comments included:
Graciela G., a former educator, made a strong plea not to ban literature, saying public libraries are indispensable to democracy.She added that the funds can also improve technology which would give the homeless children access to technology that they don’t have.
Jeannette E., also a former teacher, said public libraries need to have materials for everyone.
Item 50 – Repeal of ordinance 23-24 prohibiting the retail sale of cats and dogs.
Attorney Clague introduced the discussion by reminding the Board that he reported on the litigation against the County regarding the ordinance at the January 10 meeting. The Board directed him to bring back an ordinance to repeal the 2021 Ordinance.
Rahn, Beardon and Ballard spoke in support of the repeal of the 2021 ordinance banning the sale of cats and dogs, saying that taking away a legal business does not eliminate puppy mills.
Kruse expressed that the whole discussion is misguided; commissioners are "hiding“ behind the legal uncertainty but over 70 municipalities in Florida have won similar cases.
Public comments:
Eleven citizens spoke against the repeal of the ordinance. Notable were:
Two spoke for the repeal of the 2021 ban, both were owners of the two Petland stores in question.
Motion to approve the repeal passed 5-1 (Kruse voting against)
A sheriff's substation in LWR had to be closed due to structural issues. A new building of a 5,000 sq ft substation in the Lakewood Ranch area is proposed and will also be built to be hardened for hurricanes.
Motion to approve passed 6-0.
This acquisition of 14.6 acres currently owned by FDOT is needed for Parrish Park, which will result in a park with multi-use sports fields, sand volleyball, Frisbee golf, a youth area, etc.
Motion to approve passed 6-0.
Item 51 - Adoption of resolution 23-023, regarding Commissioner Aides. This outlines the basic legal and administrative process for hiring and employing these aides.
Motion to approve passed 6-0
We commend the BoCC for posting the agenda well in advance on 1/20/2023. It was updated twice, one was timely and the other on 1/26/23 when the item to reinstall the confederate statue was removed due to changes in plans.
Chair Van Ostenbridge extended public comments for future agenda items to one hour, recognizing that a large number of citizens wanted to make comments.
Given the priority stated by several commissioners for rooting out diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) in the county, the lack ofcommemoration of Black History Month for the first time in many years and having no Black citizen asked to give the pledge or invocation points to the need for DEI training for the Commissioners.
Commissioners continue to use the dais to politicize their comments. For example, Satcher brought up inflammatory assertions about Planned Parenthood in responding to a citizen comment, politicized public library materials, and removing "woke“ agendas.
Now that the issue of the confederate monument has been delayed, the disposition should be handled in a manner that will indicate that Manatee County citizens have overwhelmingly rejected reinstalling the monument.
During the discussion of Item 52, Authorization for speed humps on Twin Rivers Trail, even though 72% of affected homeowners surveyed supported the installation of the humps, Van Ostenbridge did not respect the will of the residents and voted against it commenting that he objects to the government imposing any restriction on drivers which could lead to damage to their cars.
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