by Tina Shope
The League of Women Voters of Manatee County Government Committee observes Manatee County Commission meetings for items of interest to citizens and the League and notes adherence, or lack of adherence, to good governance procedures and the Sunshine Law. The following are the major points from the board’s regular meeting on 5/14/2024, observed by Tina Shope.
Link to Agenda and Meeting Video
[Note: After the retirement of Mike Bennett, James Satcher was appointed Manatee County Supervisor of Elections by Governor DeSantis. Therefore, currently, there are only 6 County Commissioners.]
Invocation – Pastor Zach Edmonds, Bayside Community Church
Pledge of Allegiance – Claire Bailey, JROTC Student, Manatee High School
Items pulled from Consent Agenda – Item #28, Adoption of Budget Amendment Resolution B-24-063
- Retirement Award to Debbie Voorhees, Parks & Recreations Contracts Manager, 8 years of service.
- Retirement Award to Victor Maldonado, Specialty Charge Paramedic, 26+ years of service.
- May Employee of the Month Awarded to Yesenia Alves, Pretrial Release Probation Officer, who often spends extra time assisting clients in understanding the court process and assisting them through it, escorting them to required court locations. She listens to the clients and victims of her cases and assists them with any needs. Yesenia treats everyone respectfully, whether this is the first arrest or subsequent.
- Presentation on Fisheries by Captain Scott Moore, who stated that saltwater fish populations are recovering. Mangroves play an important role in supporting the fish population. Water quality and safeguarding mangroves are essential. Emerson Point was one of the biggest snook spawning locations. Robinson Preserve is a redfish mecca. Snooks were hit hard during the freeze and it will take years to recover. Van Ostenbridge moved to rename the Coquina North boat ramp to “Capt. Scott Moore Ramp”. Passed 6-0.
- Presentation on Tampa Bay Regional Planning Council (TBRPC) Award. At the TBRPC 30th Annual Summit on resiliency, Manatee County won an award for the program to rescue gopher tortoises, a keystone species, and place them at Duette Preserve. TBRPC covers 7 counties.
- Proclamation expressing unrelenting support for the Nation of Israel in Manatee County, Florida. Background Information: "Given the recent surge in antisemitism in the United States, we ask that the Citizens of Manatee County stand in solidarity with the Nation of Israel and extend support to the Jewish residents, synagogues, and organizations of Manatee County." Speakers included the Board President of the Jewish Federation of Sarasota and Manatee County, the Rabbi of Temple Beth El and a woman whose brother was killed in Gaza.
- Proclamation Designating May 14, 2024, as "Apraxia of Speech of Day" in Manatee County, to raise awareness of childhood apraxia of speech, an extremely challenging speech disorder that affects 1-in-1,000 children.
- Proclamation Designating May 19-25, 2024, as "Emergency Medical Services Week" in Manatee County.
- Proclamation Designating May 25, as "Family Abduction Awareness Day" in Manatee County.
- Proclamation Designating May 27, 2024, as "Memorial Day" in Manatee County.
- Proclamation Designating May 2024, as "Motorcycle Safety and Awareness Month" in Manatee County.
- Proclamation Designating May 2024, as "National Drug Court Month" in Manatee County.
- Proclamation Designating May 13-19, 2024, as "National Salvation Army Week" in Manatee County. The Salvation Army has served 1,111 men, women, and children with a safe, clean environment to sleep in 2023 and served on average of 250 meals each evening to Manatee County homeless and low-income residents.
Selected Citizen Comments for future agenda items
- 2 citizens expressed concern about continuing issues at the animal shelter: understaffed and not enough volunteers, problems with management, slow rehousing and a part-time dog trainer that is paid enough to fund a full-time person and is only playing with 20% of the dogs. They asked for an Animal Shelter Advisory Board.
- Tammy Valenti, a local funeral director, reported that County Burial Assistance Program funds have not been increased since 2008, and the $535 provided does not cover current costs. This program provides monies when funeral homes provide burial/cremation services for families in need. She requested a review of the funding amount as Funeral Homes provide significant time and support for these services.
- Pat Simmons requested PSAs to keep people from parking in the access lanes next to handicapped parking spots. She would also like to ban the use of speaker phones in public places and thanked the BoCC for an improved check-in process.
Approval of Consent Agenda with no public comment, 6-0
Note – Included in Consent was Item #18, Adoption of Resolution R-24-092, authorizing the placement of the proposed referendum for renewal of a levy of one mill of ad valorem property tax by the School Board for placement on the ballot in the upcoming general election.
Item pulled from Consent Agenda – Item #28, Adoption of Budget Amendment Resolution B-24-063
Kruse explained that he pulled the item as he felt that voting was premature for money earmarked for 3 parking garages, almost $3 million, because it had not been discussed publicly since a non-voting work session in August 2023. He also noted that funding for building any of the 3 garages had not yet been found, if public-private pay for parking partners were not identified. Staff and County Administrator Bishop stated that public-private partnerships were the way to go, and the funds in the Resolution were to provide “conceptual designs” that would eventually be used for proposals and/or negotiations with business entities and were required as a first step in any of the garage projects. Approved 6-0.
Item 56 - Appointment of One (1) Resident to the Infrastructure Sales Tax Citizens Oversight Committee
Cynthia Warren, retired Real Estate broker, approved unanimously.
Regular Agenda Items of Interest
Item 57 - Appointment of a Citizen Member to serve on the 2024 Value Adjustment Board, and Appointment of Commissioners to serve on the 2024 Value Adjustment Board
Silvio Fedor was approved as the Citizen Member. Van Ostenbridge volunteered to remain on board and was voted in as a chair, Turner was voted in as a member, and Kruse was voted in as an alternate.
Item 59 - Execution of Contract for Sale and Purchase from John E. Angelo and Keri Behrens Angelo for the Emerson Point Preserve Expansion (Environmental Lands Candidate Property) for property located at 5200 17th Street West, Palmetto, Florida 34221 – District 3.
This item was DEFERRED
Item #60 -Annual Report of the Systems Advocate Program
Background Information: Nathan Scott, Child & Family Well‐Being System Coordinator, provided a report to the Board of County Commissioners regarding the child welfare system and the Family Safety Alliance. The Family Safety Alliance (FSA) is the community organization responsible for oversight of the child welfare system in the Twelfth Judicial Circuit, which includes Manatee, Sarasota, and DeSoto Counties. Nathan is providing an annual update on the status and progress of the Child Welfare Policy Coordination Program pertinent to Manatee County.
Our FSA, the first in the State, is seen as a model and has now been replicated in many other counties. The Alliance is comprised of passionate and invested community stakeholders concerned with the well being of children. In 2009, the FSA elected to develop a Child Welfare System Advocate position to monitor the delivery of services within the three‐county area. This position has recently been re‐titled to the Child & Family Well‐Being System Coordinator. Funding to support this position is shared equally by Manatee and Sarasota Counties.
Commissioner Items
At a previous meeting, the BoCC named Pamela D'Agostino as the new County Attorney, effective this week. She replaces Bill Clague, who retired in March.
Link to Good Governance Guidelines
Given the importance to the community of the 3 garages and the significant ultimate expenditure, particularly the proposed Island garage, the voting to spend $3 million dollars was premature and should have first:
- Funded a viability study to determine if the project is indeed the best solution to the parking issues.
- After a study, information regarding the process, needs, alternatives for funding, and statutory requirements should have been presented at a regular meeting before voting to allocate almost $3 million to projects that currently have no funding source.
The Online Link to Updates to the Agenda is not working, making it impossible for citizens to see what changes have been made to the original agenda.
Presentations/Information for Fisheries and Tampa Bay Regional Planning Council Award were not provided online for public viewing before or after the meeting.
The video of the meeting is missing from the County meeting agenda website.
The BoCC should review its own rules and procedures for Proclamations. From the County website:
Proclamations can be issued for:
- Significant contributions and service to the community
- Cultural or historical occasions
- Charitable fundraising efforts
- Centennial (100th) birthdays
Proclamations cannot be issued for:
- Matters of political controversy, ideological or religious beliefs, or individual convictions
- Anything that may suggest an official county position on a matter under consideration
- Events or organizations with no direct relationship to Manatee County
- Campaigns or events contrary to Manatee County policy or to the wellbeing of its citizens
A letter from an individual Commissioner is an alternative acknowledgment for occasions that do not meet the proclamation criteria.
Contact the County Commission office if you are seeking recognition of:
- Organization Milestones or Anniversaries (in 5-year increments)
- Deceased Individuals
- Recreational Events
- Conferences and conventions
- Welcoming Guests
- Annual Events and Celebrations
- Letters of support
Click here for information on how to phone or email the commissioners.
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