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LWV Manatee County Commission Notes: 1/8/25


The League of Women Voters of Manatee County Government Committee observes Manatee County Commission meetings for items of interest to citizens and the League and notes adherence, or lack of adherence, to good governance procedures and the Sunshine Law. The following are the major points from the board’s regular meeting on 1/8/25.

Link to Agenda and Meeting Video

Invocation – Missy Parameter, Community Impact Pastor, Oasis Church

Pledge of Allegiance – Chris Kopp, Deputy Director of Human Resources and Marine Veteran


Award - 2024 Employee of the Year and Adoption of Proclamation Designating "YESENIA ALVES DAY". Yesenia is a bilingual probation officer in the Department of Veterans Services. She cares deeply about people who are at one of the most vulnerable points in their lives. Many of her clients remain in touch after they have completed probation.

Presentation - Invitation from the Fair Manager and Members of the Board of Directors to attend the 2025 Manatee County Fair - January 16-26, 2025. Danny Alfonso, Fair Manager, and Patrick Bryant, President, noted this is the 109th anniversary of the Fair and the theme is "Keeping Agriculture Alive in 2025." The 4 queens (all students) of the fair court were also present. 

REQUESTS BY COMMISSIONERS (Items to be pulled from Consent Agenda) Commissioner George Kruse pulled Item 10 from the Consent Agenda.

Approval of Consent Agenda

No Citizen Comments. Approved 7-0.

Item 10. Transfers $216,923 from reserves in the Environmental Lands fund to the Fleet Services fund for the purchase of a CAT 285 XE skid steer, Big Tex dump trailer and a Utility trailer for maintenance, restoration and debris hauling at Manatee County Preserves. 

Kruse objected to using ELMAC/environmental land acquisition millage funds to buy a dump trailer.  He said voters approved the millage by 70% for acquisition of land rather than Natural Resources Department maintenance equipment.

Staff and Commissioner Tal Siddique said it was appropriate and necessary to cover maintenance expenses with the land acquisition millage fund.

In response to Commissioner Jason Bearden’s question, staff said only a small percentage of millage funds are actually used for land acquisition in comparison to staff and maintenance expenditures.

After a short break, Chief Financial Officer Sheila McLean and County Attorney D’Agostino returned with the request reworded to approve the equipment purchase from a different fund.

Citizen Comments

  • Six citizens commented in support of the decision to not take ELMAC funds. Frank noted that voters wanted to acquire land before it is gone.  
  • Jennifer Hoffman from Keep Manatee Beautiful stated that environmental stewardship without the ability to restore and maintain land was close to ridiculous.

Approved 7-0

Citizen Comments on future agenda items

  • Andra was concerned about the animal shelter expansion taking too long and volunteers being fired for being whistleblowers.
  • John said that the building moratorium from yesterday’s meeting is irresponsible. He is concerned about water conservation and suggested the county create an ordinance that would require developers to obtain a water certificate prior to issuing a certificate of occupancy.
  • Glen agrees with pause on development, referenced a 12-page document he submitted on concurrency and stated that the traffic study cost and design fees for new animal shelter are ridiculous.
  • Charlene said the county should not use radioactive materials in building roads. 
  • Dalton stated that District 1 developers are not willing to provide residents with the basics that other districts have, such as community centers.

Advisory Board Comments and Updates - None

Advertised Public Hearings

Item 42. Adoption of Resolution R-25-003, regarding the Infrastructure Sales Tax to add one project and remove one project to the Parks and Community Facilities Category - Environmental Preserves and Boat Ramps; and Adoption of Budget Amendment Resolution B-25-027 - TO BE CONTINUED TO JANUARY 14, 2025

The resolution will move funding for a boat ramp from a future housing development in the Cortez area to a boat ramp on the Seafood Shack property referred to in Item 47. Motion to Continue Approved 7-0 

Item 43. Public Hearing Notice of Intent to Seek Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery Funding, and Authorization and Submission of the Rebuild Florida Hazard Mitigation Grant Match Program Application for the Manatee County Myakka Yard Rural Public Works Generator Grant Award – District 1    

Approved 7-0

Item 44. Adoption of Ordinance 25-07, regarding Sports and Leisure Services; relating to the amendment of requirements of membership for the Library Advisory Board; grants and payments of money received by the Library Advisory Board 

The previous Board voted to increase the library board from 5 to 9. This ordinance reverts the board membership to five. 

Approved 7-0

Regular Agenda Items


Community and Veterans Services

Development Services

  • Item 46.   North River Ranch Improvement Stewardship District - Amended boundaries  Commissioner Dr. Bob McCann asked why such a letter from BOCC stating that the Board has no objections was required. Staff said it was a legislative requirement. Passed 6-1 with McCann voting no. 

Human Resources

  • Item 51. Adoption of Resolution R-25-006, approving the temporary employment of Commissioner Aides  Every commissioner will have an aide. Employee terms are aligned with each Commissioner's term of office and aides will get full benefits. Approved 7-0

Property Management

  • Item 47.   Seafood Shack and Marina Acquisition Update - District 3 The County closed the purchase of this property on 12/31/24. Siddique suggested that the future boat ramp also be able to handle a ferry stop.

Citizen Comments on future agenda items (Continuation)

  • The caller suggested staff should be doing environmental analysis rather than developers.

Commissioner Agenda Items


Item 48. Approval of 2025 Board of County Commissioners Committee Assignments  Report has the final approval of assignments of Commissioners to various committees with the name of the committee, staff contact, meeting dates and locations.  Approved 7-0 


Link to Good Governance Guidelines

Agenda was posted timely.  The intent of the Chair to require the final agenda well in advance of the meeting is welcome. This agenda was updated 3 times prior to the meeting. We did not note a controversial item posted in the updates.

The deadline for public comment has been removed allowing for greater citizen input.

Adding Advisory Board comments to the agenda is moving in the right direction to make advisory boards more relevant to decision-making.

We commend the board's discussion of consent agenda item 10 and their vote to fund the purchase of Natural Resources capital equipment from funds other than the 2020 referendum millage funds established for the purchase, restoration and maintenance of land of environmental significance. We encourage BoCC to continue to examine land acquisition millage fund expenditures to assure the funds are expended as intended in the referendum language overwhelmingly supported by the voters.


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