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LWV Manatee School Board Notes: 7/23/24


The League of Women Voters of Manatee County Education Issues Committee observes the Manatee County School Board meetings for items of interest to citizens and the League and notes adherence, or lack of adherence, to good governance procedures and the sunshine laws. The following are the major points from the school board meeting on 07/23/2024.

Chair Choate called the meeting to order at 5:02 PM. Ms. Foreman read the district mission and introduced Pastor Jonathan Bachman, Chaplain of most of the District colleges in Manatee and Sarasota, for the invocation, which was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

A motion was made to approve the amended agenda. Approved 5-0.

Recognitions & Student Celebrations

1. Mr. Mike Barber and Ms. Amber Platowski, Curriculum Coordinator for Sciences, announced that Braden River Elementary School (BRES) had been recognized as a “Gold Level” Champion School by the Everglades Foundation based on achievements in the following areas: Everglades Professional Development, Implementing Everglades Literacy into their curriculum, promoting Everglades interdisciplinary projects and field experiences and implementing practices that incorporates the Everglades as part of their school culture. This is a first for Manatee County Schools. 

Tate Vangelo, the Everglades Foundation’s Literacy Project Coordinator, further praised BRES by announcing the school had also received the Rookie of the Year Award and will receive $500 to continue their efforts as an Everglades Champion School.

A representative from BRES thanked the Everglades Foundation for their recognition and support.

2. Mr. Barber expressed gratitude for the district’s partnerships with local healthcare agencies to bring life-saving learning opportunities to students and announced that The American Heart Association in Manatee County, HCA Florida Blake Hospital, and Doctors Hospital of Sarasota have graciously donated a First Aid Anywhere Training Kit to the School District of Manatee County. The kit contains everything needed to train 10 to 20 people at once in the lifesaving skills of CPR and first aid.

Public Comments

M.M. spoke about book challenges and said the District still fails to meet State Law because it does not have a committee to review challenged books. She stated that the number of people in the district challenging books was minuscule compared to the thousands of students and parents being affected.

Consent Items. 36 consent items were approved 5-0.

Public Hearing

1. Public Hearing on the Proposed Changes to the Code of Student Conduct for the 2024-2025 School Year: No public comments were given.

 2. Approval of Adopting Amendments to the Code of Student Conduct for the 2024-2025 School Year (No Financial Impact) Ms. Messenger reminded everyone that this topic was discussed during a workshop. Dr. Wysong thanked the students who served on the committee and appreciated their feedback. Approved 5-0.

3. Public Hearing on the Proposed Changes to the Student Progression Plan for the 2024-2025 School Year: No public comments given.

4. Approval of the 2024-2025 Student Progression Plan for Elementary School, Middle School, High School, and K-12 Virtual Education (No Financial Impact) Approved 5-0.

New Business: (Non-Consent Items)

1. Approval of the Budget Amendments for May 2024. Ms. Sellers provided information to the board about the budget amendments. Approved 5-0.

2. Approval to Advertise a Notice of Public Notice of Public Hearing to Adopt Tentative Millages and Tentative Budget for Fiscal Year 2024-2025 (General Fund). Ms. Sellars explained there is a timeline the District must follow to ensure the district receives tax dollars. She also informed the Board that the projected millage rate has decreased from what was anticipated earlier, as set by the State. Ms. Sellars clarified, however, that property values have increased, so taxpayers would still likely see an increase in their bill. Board Members Foreman and Spray both reiterated the point that property values had increased, so tax bills would likely be higher despite the millage rate being lower than anticipated. Approved 5-0.

 3. Approval of Shared Space and Service Agreement with Manatee Chamber of Commerce for $73,444.00 (First Year) Plus Network Infrastructure Cost Not to Exceed $25,000 (First Year) (General Funds). Dr. Wysong explained that due to growth in the eastern and north of the river areas of the county, the District would like to have an administrative presence to accommodate the needs of that area. This Agreement establishes terms and conditions for the District’s use and occupancy of a portion of the Chamber’s office wing space located at the Lakewood Ranch Office. The space would be for a welcome and support center, provide working space for itinerant employees, and the District will have access to the large meeting space. Other areas are also being evaluated to see if they are appropriately served. Approved 5-0.

4. Approval of Anna Maria Elementary Guy Harvey Academy of Arts and Science Dock Design - Agreement Between Owner and Bwas Design, LLC, in the Amount of $95,500.00 (State Legislature Appropriation) A new marine dock will support the marine science activities for Anna Maria Elementary School (AMES) and partners King Middle and Manatee High. The dock will accommodate up to a 30’ boat (inboard or outboard). Approved 5-0.

Ms. Spray questioned how the architectural firm was selected. Mr. Ranaldi clarified that Bwas Design, LLC is one of the board-approved architecture firms. Mr. Choate clarified for Ms. Spray that the funds for the dock had been appropriated specifically for the AMES program by the State, and the project was not taking funds from anything else. Ms. Foreman commented that a dock this size was appropriate not just for accommodating a boat, but also for accommodating groups of students safely.

New Business (No Superintendent Recommendation)

1. Acceptance of the Resignation of Citizens' Financial Oversight Committee Member. Mr. Michael Hartman announced his resignation from the Citizen’s Financial Oversight Committee on 6/23/2024. He has been a Member of the Committee since 2022. Mr. Choate thanked him for his service. Approved 5-0.

2. Appointment of Advocacy Committee Member and Alternate for Florida School Board Association. Mr. Choate stated he is the current Advocacy Committee Member, and Ms. Foreman is the Alternate. However, Ms. Foreman is stepping down from the board, so a new Alternate must be named. Ms. Spray was asked to take this position. Approved 5-0.

3. Approval of Master Service Agreement and Engagement Letter with Carr, Riggs & Ingram LLC to Provide Internal Audit Services for the Period July 1, 2024, to June 30, 2025, SDMC No. 25-0666-RG, Estimated at $397,220.00 (General Fund) - attachments added 7/18/2024. Mr. Choate commented this had been discussed in a workshop. Ms. Foreman explained the contract lists the audits planned for the coming year. Rates are going up a bit and the hours are about the same as the past year, though all the hours do not have to be used if not needed. She reminded the Board that the contract can be changed at any time with Board approval. Ms. Foreman asked Mr. Smith from CRI to provide additional information.

Ms. Spray asked about the contract going out for bid and whether Dr. Wysong and his staff could do this. Ms. Foreman reminded her that the Superintendent and his staff do not have a voice in this; it is a board decision. She provided further details on the process. Ms. Foreman also explained CRI had a 5-year engagement and this is the last year. Mr. Tatem pointed out that the district is required to have an internal auditor. Approved 5-0.

Information Only (No Board Action Required)

1. Year-to-Date Financial Statements Through May 31, 2024

2. Year-to-Date Charter School Financial Statement Summary Through May 31, 2024


Instruction – Mr. Jensen, Deputy Superintendent for Instruction

Mr. Derek Jensen announced that new teacher orientation is being held this

week at Manatee High. There are 163 new teachers in attendance, participating in breakout sessions on many topics and keynotes. He said there is lots of energy and excitement, and expressed thanks to Tara Brown, Alison Nichols, the Curriculum Team, Human Resources and Operations for making this event happen. Mr. Jensen also noted that the Summer Professional Learning Conference for teachers is scheduled for the week of July 29.

Mr. Jensen also reported that all the first ranked choices in materials have been approved by the Department of Education (DOE) except for marine sciences. The District is taking steps to ensure teachers have their science materials for the start of school.

In MTC news, faculty returns on July 30th, and programs begin on August 6th. Over 1,000 students have signed up, the highest enrollment since 2020.

Operations - Mr. Ranaldi, Deputy Superintendent for Operations

Mr. Ranaldi reported that the District is continuing to hold job fairs for the areas of Teaching, Operations, and Transportation.

He also reported that the employee health fair will be held on October 14th and has 27 vendors signed up.

The transportation call center is up and running. Several bus aides applied to become drivers.

There are 93 bus routes for the coming year. He reminded parents by email blast to make sure their students are registered for transportation. He said there will be a seminar on August 5th for transportation which will include training and dry runs of routes.

Maintenance employees have had a very busy summer, with projects across the county, including painting, reflooring, fire alarm replacements, and A/C projects. The District expects to have most of the maintenance and renovation work done by the start of school.

Mr. Ranaldi recognized Ms. Regina Thoma, Director of Food and Nutrition, who was accepted to the Leadership Manatee Program.

Legal – Mr. Dye, School Board Attorney

Mr. Dye reported that the legal team was now fully staffed and welcomed Mr. Kevin Pendley. He said Mr. Pendley was already reviewing contracts.

Superintendent Remarks - Dr. Wysong

Dr. Wysong welcomed Mr. Pendley as general counsel.

He thanked the Board for approving the consent agenda and all those working on grant applications. He said the staff are fully focused on the start of school. There are lots of events for teachers, and they are 97% staffed on the instructional side.

Philanthropic partner The United Way Suncoast was thanked for funding 8 Paraprofessionals at Title I schools this coming school year.

Dr. Wysong will be at LECOM this weekend handing out backpacks for 500 children from the Marauders.

He reminded families to get students registered for school as soon as possible, and not to wait for the first day of school.

Dr. Wysong noted that some policies dealing with weapons on campus will be pulled from the July 30th agenda. The district received several public comments and Board members have questions, so they will continue reviewing these policies before asking for Board approval.

Board Comments

Ms. Foreman noted that the last few weeks have been very busy. The Audit Committee met on July 10th, and the CRI Engagement letter was finalized. Committee Member Mr. Daniel will report to the Board on Thursday, and she will bring a recommendation for a new Audit Committee member.

She and Mr. Chapman are busy planning the Greater Florida Consortium meeting, which will be held on Longboat Key from September 25th to 27th. She welcomed suggestions on activities from Board Members.

Ms. Foreman welcomed Mr. Pendley and said she was looking forward to working with him and is eager to get on his calendar.

Ms. Messenger welcomed Mr. Pendley. She said she is excited for the new school year and thanked everyone who worked on this meeting.

Mr. Tatem announced that there was a major water leak in the district office last week. Despite the challenges, staff still put everything together for the meeting. He appreciated the work put into fixing the problem and added that he would never have known about the leak if he had not heard beforehand.

Mr. Tatem mentioned he visited the VPK program at Samoset Elementary. He praised the program as excellent preparation for kindergarten and encouraged it for all families.

He also attended the MTC graduation and is glad to see graduates have jobs coming out of the programs offered there.

Ms. Spray echoed Mr. Tatem’s comments about MTC graduates’ employment opportunities. She extended sympathies to families of staff members who passed away and congratulated those who are retiring.

Chair Choate expressed his thanks to the staff for all that they do.

The meeting adjourned at 6:39 p.m.


The meeting ran smoothly. The Board members were professional and respectful of each other, asking good questions to clarify.

Chair Choate did a great job moving from the regular meeting to public hearings and back. He needed to be reminded on occasion that motions had not been made. The other board members reminded him when this was not done.

We commend Ms. Foreman for her clarifying comments and questions throughout the meeting. 

Thank you, Ms. Messenger, for reminding the chair to request Superintendent clarification when appropriate. The board has a superintendent who can provide the board and the public with background information about many of the agenda items. 

Ms. Spray needs to speak directly into the microphone. She referenced her height and maybe adjusting the seat to move her in closer proximity to the microphone would help with hearing her.

Ms. Spray continues to use valuable school board meeting time to clarify issues that seem to be more appropriate for briefing sessions ahead of these meetings. The prime example was the clarification over the fact that the Superintendent doesn’t have any oversight over the Master Service Agreement with Carr, Riggs & Ingram, LLC.

Mr. Choate’s comment about the new attorney “staying longer than eight months” seemed inappropriate.

We have noticed a drift in Board Member comments away from District related activities towards personal anecdotes. In this meeting Ms. Spray and Mr. Tatem digressed into unnecessary stories that drew attention away from students and schools.


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