We voters complain that there’s too much money in politics and that compromises the behavior of elected officials. We also say we’re tired of the negativity that pervades public discourse, but nothing can be done about it.
Why does negative campaigning work? Basic psychology explains it. The illusory truth effect is the common tendency to believe any information to be true the more one hears it.
The TV ads and mailers that stuff our mailboxes all cost money. More money buys more negative ads and the continuous exposure of negative information defeats the opponent when we vote for the perceived lesser of the two evils. Money buys votes in our current election system.
Let’s realign the election system to match voters’ interests instead of money interests. Ranked Choice Voting will bring a change in campaign behavior. When electoral success depends on voters’ second or third choices, negative campaigning would backfire.
With Ranked Choice Voting, the balance of power would shift to candidates who can bring people together, away from those who just fight. Learn more at rankmyvoteflorida.org
John Schussler
Sarasota County
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