Written above the main entrance to the Supreme Court Building are the words “EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER LAW.” Considered inviolable, this phrase expresses the ultimate responsibility of the court.
As guardians and interpreters of the Constitution, the Supreme Court is charged with making decisions based on law, not politics, ensuring that equality before the law, the bedrock of a democracy, holds all citizens, institutions and entities to account.
With the apparent division among the justices over whether former President Trump should receive immunity against federal charges that he tried to illegally overturn the 2020 election, the dismantling of the equal justice covenant, with the conservative majority leading the charge, may already be in the offing.
The Framers intended for the judiciary to be apolitical. Over two centuries later, the Roberts Court, with its right leaning majority breaking with the Framers, has become indistinguishable from elected officials with a partisan agenda.
Jim Paladino
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