BRADENTON — Team Success, which operates a charter school on 13th Avenue East in Bradenton, has secured the ability to open a middle school on land near the Sarasota Bradenton International Airport. The decision follows some efforts to mitigate concerns over environmental issues with the site location.
The amendment to the charter contract authorizes an additional campus located at 8231 Lindbergh Court, Sarasota, which is just north of the airport in Manatee County. School District staff and their environmental consultants, as well as the school board attorney, had previously expressed numerous concerns about the proposed site.
Those concerns included the past use of the site, the identification of onsite currently and soon-to-be regulated chemicals, proximity to heavy industrial uses, proximity to a railroad, proximity to a flight path, and proximity to significant above-ground fuel storage.
The district said that Team Success has partially addressed its concerns and that the remaining concerns focus on portions of the campus that have not been environmentally tested, and potential emergencies occurring on surrounding land uses.
District staff and their environmental consultants and the board attorney prepared a list of conditions that are necessary to reduce risks to students and staff at the south campus. Those conditions were incorporated into the charter contract amendment.
The conditions included being sure that there be no access to areas of the campus where the soil was not tested, no additions to the one existing irrigation well without remediation; signs both in English and Spanish forbidding entry to restricted areas; and soil testing before any additions to the site.
While commissioners Richard Tatem, Chad Choate, and Cindy Spray approved of the compromises enthusiastically, commissioners Gina Messenger and Mary Foreman expressed deep concerns over the uncertainty they had as to whether fencing off areas with potentially dangerous materials and using ground cover to prevent dust particles from transporting toxins were sufficient measures.
"I have a hard time making a decision that could imperil the health of students," said Foreman. "We're not environmental people, we're not medical people. We've been put in this position because they didn't do the testing before they built. Frankly, I would be happy to see it go to a magistrate and let them make the decision."
Messenger came to tears at one point in explaining her position.
"I've really, genuinely tried to find a way where I feel comfortable," said Messenger. "I just don't."
The item passed 3-2 with Foreman and Messenger in dissent.
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This sounds like a familiar Tallavast or Bayshore High School situation. Why do (13th Ave kids are mostly black/brown) we send poor or disenfranchised children to schools built on polluted landfills, industrial poisoned sites? Because the good ol boys who plan these projects are Bigots! With a capitol B.
No child should be present on this disparaged land.
I happen to be a disgruntled white, not brown or black citizen. The people who planned this should face a DCF investigation and charges.
Sunday, August 13, 2023 Report this
This is disgusting. No one should send their kid to a school that will be a poison bomb. It feels like every single organ of this county is so deeply tainted with corruption for the short-term gain of a relatively few people, with nothing but disdain and contempt for the people who live here.
Sunday, August 13, 2023 Report this
I live only a few minutes from this site
Tallevast Community center operated for years just around the corner with hundreds of children on a daily basis. No issues.
Industry has been in that area for decades. Has anyone checked with surrounding businesses to see if any ill side effects have happened in the last 30 plus years they have been operating in that area,
Tuesday, August 15, 2023 Report this