Zach Regan & the 776 is a south Florida band raised up on southern rock and country roots. They're high energy performers trying to put cracks in the mold of the Alt-Country scene. The band is currently working on their 2nd album and plan on releasing some acoustic singles throughout the next few months.
You can check out their debut album "Wolves" on any streaming platform.
No cover.
About the venue:
Good vibes, great food and beautiful views!
Like a jewel hiding in the mystique of the Cortez Fishing Village, the Swordfish Grill is right on the Sarasota Bay, creating a place that initiates relaxation and a laid-back ambiance. The staff is trained to take care of your every need, whether it be a cocktail, beer, or an item on the menu. Management oversees the kitchen, making sure all food items are fresh and prepared properly.
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