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Local Governments Agree to Work Together to Address Local Affordable Housing Crisis

BRADENTON – On Thursday, the Manatee County Commission and the Bradenton City Council convened for a joint meeting to discuss several intersecting topics of concern and impact to each governing body. Among the topics discussed were affordable/workforce housing and how the two local governments could effectively work together to find actionable steps to address this growing issue facing Bradenton and Manatee County residents.

The identified focus area where options for possible solutions the commission and city council can work together on was the local entities’ comprehensive plans.

A comprehensive plan is the long-term planning document of cities and counties. The comp plan defines a community’s vision and establishes the associated goals, objectives, and policies that should guide decision-making toward achieving said vision. A comp plan touches on almost every facet of a community’s quality of life, addressing land use and transportation, the environment and resources, parks and public services, and even historical preservation.

A well-laid comprehensive plan is created to be dynamic. As the community’s needs and physical elements change (through development and redevelopment), the comp plan can be amended to adapt to changing circumstances and conditions so it can continue to provide sound guidance for decision-makers. The adaptability of a community’s comp plan can help to ensure that short-term decisions are made for the long-term good.

State law requires the review of local comp plans once every seven years, though local governments are permitted a limited number of updates per calendar year within those seven years. Comp plan amendments must follow public hearing requirements and receive state approval.

A comprehensive plan lays the foundation for the land development code. The land development code establishes regulations, procedures, and standards for the review and approval of development and use of land toward implementing the community’s future vision outlined within the comprehensive plan.

County Commission Chair Kevin Van Ostenbridge opened the discussion of Thursday’s joint meeting by explaining that he and the Bradenton Mayor Gene Brown had recent discussions regarding the comp plans of both the county and city. Van Ostenbridge told those in attendance that both entities–per his discussion with Mayor Brown–are interested in addressing their comp plans to provide more encouragement and opportunity for the development of affordable and workforce housing.

Van Ostenbridge suggested that perhaps one strategy toward a more unified approach between the city and county might be if both were to utilize the same planning firm, at the same time. The firm would assist the neighboring governments' in reviewing their comp plans to identify possible changes which could be supportive of workforce housing development.

County Commissioner Misty Servia–a certified planner with years of experience in Manatee County–pointed out that the shared borders between the city and county can offer the base for talks about where it could make sense for the two governments to develop common regulations. Unified regulations in specific target areas, Servia stated, could provide more ease to developers who may be interested in the development of affordable housing.

Servia pointed to density regulations as one specific area the two governments could work together on. "There may be an opportunity to increase the densities and work hand-in-hand," she said.

In terms of development, one way that density can be achieved is through increased height permits. Allowing structures to go up in height can provide space above what the land itself could accommodate alone.

One possible option for creating a unified solutions approach Servia suggested could be something like an inter-local agreement or "memorandum of understanding" between the city and the county. A formal declaration stating that both jurisdictions desire quality affordable housing for their citizens, and a stated outline of how they will work together to achieve that goal.

Commissioner George Kruse–who currently serves on the county's Affordable Housing Advisory Board–confirmed the mutual priority.

"We hear from everyone this is the most important thing on everyone's mind, and rightfully so," Kruse said. "Where you live is critically important."

Kruse noted the mutual understanding between the governmental boards. While both entities agree on the urgency and priority of the issue, Kruse noted the challenge is "getting it done."

Kruse acknowledged the collective conversation is long overdue and cited the independent nature which has so far been the norm, suggesting a more collaborative effort to address the issue may prove more productive.

"At some point we all just need to get together and say, okay, everyone has to contribute something for the good of Manatee County," Kruse said pointing out the mutual need to identify where the community can be best served by increased density.

Kruse’s opinion was that much of the increases should be centered downtown and within the urban core.

"If we are putting people closer to their employment then we are helping our infrastructure by taking cars off the road, we are helping transportation costs which can make the quality of life and cost of living better," Kruse explained, "so we need to figure out how to get the higher density here (downtown)."

"Land is expensive, but air is free," Kruse added while detailing the benefit of increased density through height regulations which can afford a lesser overall cost to citizens for renting or purchase of multilevel units. This would be achieved, Kruse said, because height allows for the amortization of land via the upward density of units.

City Council member Marianne Barnebey agreed whole-heartedly with much of what she was hearing from commissioners during Thursday's meeting, but she encouraged consideration that not all density increases should be focused solely on the urban core alone. Barnebey cited existing needs elsewhere in the county centralized around schools, public services, and other county areas home to workforce citizens.

Barnebey stressed the importance of citizen input to the process of decision-making, a needed effort toward education of the different types of housing terms and definitions, as well as collaborative efforts to address transportation needs and challenges.

Vice Mayor Pam Coachman offered personal perspectives gained during her service as a councilwoman.

"Two things irked me the most when I first became councilwoman. One, government moves way too slowly," Coachman shared through a smile, "and, two, I cannot understand why government entities do not work together–closer."

Coachman's comments were hopeful toward the mission of the two governments working together, saying, "All of our concerns are the same, and the only way to solve these is to work together."

Coachman agreed with Commissioner Servia’s suggestion of a "pilot" program or initiative–such as an inter-local agreement or memorandum–to outline the foundation of their collaborative goals and actions they could take together.

Councilman Bill Sanders detailed the city’s success with the waving of impact fees to encourage the development of affordable housing. Sanders also shared his agreement with the idea that addressing transportation and connectivity should be an area of focus between the two governments and their collaborative effort.

Other ideas shared among members in attendance were housing trust funds, land banking, employer-subsidized housing or transportation, a joint affordable housing fund, and multi-purpose rezonings.

While Thursday's joint meeting did not produce any immediate policy decisions, it did appear to provide a solid base for future discussion and collaboration. The tone was amicable, signifying there may be a unified way forward for addressing one of the most immediate issues facing the area's residents.

Commissioner Reggie Bellamy closed the discussion stating, "We've identified two or three areas we can go on and then return together in 90 days."

Bellamy suggested the boards independently research some of the ideas and possible solution options discussed and return with more information on how they might use those options collectively. Legal representation for the City of Bradenton, Manatee County, and the City of Palmetto could meet to discuss legalities and requirements for the development of a joint affordable housing fund between the cities and county.

The topic of a collaborative effort to address the need for affordable and workforce housing was added to the next scheduled council of governments meeting agenda to include the City of Palmetto and the Manatee School Board in the discussion. Overall, members agreed to future joint meetings and discussions on the shared issues that both the cities and the county face, hoping to assure continued momentum and future partnership toward their mutual goals.

Click the video link below to replay Thursday's joint meeting discussion on workforce housing.


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