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As a member of the public, a former and future candidate that has been a persistent and consistent activist in protecting and preserving this Paradise my family has been blessed to called home for over 8 generations, let’s not take lightly that my 1st amendment rights to free speech were violated during the course of this meeting by those supposedly under the trinity of Accountability, Civility and Ethics.

My dismissal from the podium by the chair, complete with MCSO escorts, was pure theatre by bad actors in their attempts to intimidate or disparage the organic and genuine nature of my character and message to the public. Let it be seen and known that those who cry “Liberty” the loudest are often those who withhold that from others.

And the message is, and will always be, that we each have a personal right and responsibility to speak up, speak out and use our brains for more than a space between our ears.

I won’t be silenced, because I am an American, a native Floridian, and I’m old enough to know the history of our county and state that has led to the debacle we are in.

We have met the enemy, and he is us, not them.

I and WE will not be silenced and the currency of character must overcome the 7 sins our local government is more than familiar with.

From: County Commission Shows Public Who They Work For

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