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Putting up a write in candidate to close an open primary is interfering with the outcome of an election and is illegal. The problem is proving it. Probably the write in candidate was paid under the table.

It is legal to film, record, photograph public figures like movie stars, celebrities and public officials. Even those that sign up to run for office qualify as public figures.

With all the tiny wifi cameras out there it seems we could as a community, place cameras in key places and monitor officials actions off and on the clock. Let's get creative and solve the problem which seems to be corrupt government in our county and it's cities. A friend and my former employer Chuck Chambers of Chuck Chambers Investigations, wrote a book about citizens using simple detective methods. I've always used the book to track public officials actions. It's put away' right now, but just google his name you should find it. I like to think it was his legacy to us.

From: So Far, Few Local Candidates Have Filed for 2024 Election

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