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For the record the lift stations are reversed as station 13 is along the River and started as a septic tank in 1930. Then converted to a lift station. 1.7 million dollars was approved to remove and replace this lift station on 6/24/2024 or 4 years ago. 4 years later now 6 million. As many of the other 64 lift stations of which most are in Ward 4 need to be replaced. Bradenton as of yet has to publish a plan to replace these stations and other infrastructure as an agreed requirement of the Water Keepers Lawsuit . However, Bradenton borrowed 48 million earlier and on next weeks agenda they will bond 48 million. The infrastructure will cost 100 million dollars plus and put our city in debt for the next 30 years. It does however, need to be done. This lift station recently spilled 500 gallon of raw sewage in front of my home and I was vocal about the lack of action to replace it as it was well know for years it was a mess. The City of Bradenton I believe is in a crisis with overspending on items that simply do not need to be done at one time and I do not feel the taxpayers can afford it. New Ball park 60 million...Police station 30 million. Fire station 20 million. Public Works building 10 million with property accusation. City Hall 20 million. And we have an unknown Federal Police Lawsuit that could cost millions. We simply cannot do all of this as fast as they are moving. Slow down and plan. Or our grandkids if they still want to live here simple will not be able to.

Bill Sanders

Former City Councilman Ward 4

From: Council Corner: Ward 4: Lisa Gonzalez Moore

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