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Kevin VanOstenbridge is the opposite of what public service is all about. He's like power-hungry crime boss, inappropriately using government departments for his personal benefit. County policy states that Commissioners must go through the Administrator. For VanOstenbridge to personally direct a department manager is not only against policy - it is an unethical abuse of power. Using code enforcement to support his election campaign is blatant corruption. It undermines what little public trust is left in our county government. KVO was caught using a county credit card to purchase personal data of his constituents. He uses county social media and video production to claim credit for conservation purchases. He falsely claims to be a check on development but has voted to approve 10's of thousands of new homes and stripped wetland protection. He uses his personal phone so he can ignore public record requests. If anyone would like a HELL NO KVO sign, you are welcome to take one from my front yard at 3005 23rd Ave W, Bradenton. I try to keep 2 - 3 signs out that people are welcome to take. I have just 5 left but will have plenty more by midweek. Close to 50 have been distributed. Please, pick up a sign so we send a clear message that his time is up. Vote for KVO? HELL NO!

From: Code Enforcement Controversy: KVO Accused of Improper Directives

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