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Other than George Kruse, why would Manatee County government want to foster any coordinated communication with the public? The county has done everything within their power to reduce public knowledge by no longer holding presentations, by no longer offering information on who works there, the power structure, and by limiting public comment. When you turn off the ability of the public to comment on social media you vastly reduce the public's ability to tell those in charge how they really feel about the job the commissioners and county government and its staff are doing. Most written public comments submitted to the agenda, especially if citizens question anything, are buried inside hundreds of pages of revised documentation added to the agenda and not placed on the link where public comment should be placed. Of course, all those late items are added without background information and submitted after the window for public comment has closed. Is this done on purpose? ABSOLUTELY

From: No Comment from County on Plans for Hurricane Season Public Outreach

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