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DeSantis vetoed $90 million from art programs. Quoting from the Herald Tribune: It is the first time that no money will be allocated for arts and culture programs by the state. Banning books, eliminating theater, closing artistic programs for kids, cutting classical music and opera...this is the Florida of the extreme right, where kids grow up to be just as close minded as their fox-news watching parents. Uninformed, non-critical thinking voters believe the garbage campaign mailers they get in the mail. Uninformed non-critical thinking voters are easily scared by conspiracy theory claims of indoctrination, and they fall for Orwellian descriptions such as when Bridget Ziegler, in the name of "protecting children," pushes policies that discriminate, bully, and harm LGBT students to the point of contemplating suicide. And when KVO votes to eliminate protection for priceless wetlands in the name of protection of property rights. DeSantis and the far right want a dumber, non-cultural, uninformed electorate because those are the voters that keep them in power, pre-empting local control from Tallahassee.

From: The DeSantis Veto Pen Hits Home

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