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Dear Manatee County Commissioner

James Satcher -

Amanda Ballard

Kevin Van Ostenbridge

Mike Rahn

Ray Turner

Jason Bearden

George Kruse

I attended the land use committee meeting on August 18, 2023 regarding the wetland and natural buffer regulations. I am a Bradenton resident who is deeply concerned with the natural environment in Manatee County. I was very impressed with the public turnout and the breadth of people who commented for over 4 hours. It was compelling to see people who were simple homeowners, small business owners, and local naturalists come together to discuss this issue. It was clear this was not a liberal or conservative issue. It was a local issue of high concern. By the way I am a registered Republican.

Then you all voted, excluding Commissioner George Kruse, against your constituents. I hate to think that developers and Mosaic Corporation have more clout in this county than the people who voted you into office. But apparently you have no shame about who you support, and I am just naive. Congratulations to George Kruse for solely standing up to voice his concern for our county.

So please take notice that I will take every opportunity to vote you out of office. I will also work to vote for new commissioners who respect our natural environment.

From: More Threats to Wetlands

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