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Clearly Tal values public comment especially since he has been showing up and speaking at commissioner meetings long before he was running for District 3. He has shown more public engagement than both Jonnson or Van Ostenbridge put together. As a District 3 resident that regularly watches meetings and attended the T2T “Van Ostenbridge homeless camp fiasco” I recognized him walking into the meeting and told him how much we appreciated him taking his personal time to go and give public comment. Culbreath has zero interest in what residents in District 3 think- she can’t even come up with one legitimate item for her many fliers. I hope that voters take the time to listen to the podcast, District 3 needs real representation, so this is a no-brainer, vote Tal Siddique.

From: For the Manatee County Commission District 3 GOP Primary, We Recommend Tal Siddique

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