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Satcher's comment in this editorial concretely displays exactly why he should not be removed and not allowed run in the primary for Supervisor of Election. Satcher's comment: “Anybody who deliberately waited to change their party affiliation at the last minute to rig the primary election,” said Satcher, “Well, then that’s on them.

He is using his privileged position as Supervisor to advertise a right-winged conspiracy theory that a couple of thousand Manatee County citizens have attempted to rig the primary election of which he is a candidate. The conspiracy theory is being espoused around town, on social media like Nextdoor, by those listening to his rant. His rants put the party changers in a seriously negative position, possibly threatening, with their neighbors who believe his disinformation..

Honest voters don't want to be accused of rigging the primary. While he voices bias against those party changers, his ineptness to manage the SOE office is on full display for all MC citizens. SOE's is an apolitical position, and Satcher should be of service to ALL voters of all party affiliations, when he is speaking on behalf of the office of SOE.

A hundred percent of those voters who changed parties should file complaints against Satcher to the State that he spread disinformation and lied about specific group of voters to create a possible backlash on them in our community. He also created an incendiary environment surrounding voting in the primary to help his own campaign.

From: Satcher Addresses Controversial SOE Mail Piece

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