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My mail in ballot has been in "RECEIVED" status since July 29. So there must be thousands of mail in ballots piling up in a room somewhere. At some point, someone will start looking at them and how many will be questioned - for signature or whatever? Will there be time for voters to be notified that their ballot is being questioned, and for voters to be able to respond? And re: that letter with the "required" new voter cards - did Satcher get an official opinion from the State Department Division of Elections before spending $100K taxpayer money? No, he didn't. Because he knows the answer would be 'No, the law does not require new cards to be issued when there is a new SOE. The law requires that the each card must have the name of the SOE that issued the card.' Lazy ass is exactly right. Actually, lazy-ass liar is more accurate.

From: James Satcher is a Threat to Democracy

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