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Just off the top of my head… he doesn’t care about representing District 3 residents….doesn’t want public comment…belittles citizens who show up in person for public comment, especially children…doesn’t want call in public comment...doesn't answer e-mail…doesn’t answer phone or return phone calls…assistant does his job on that..hates the library and books of any kind……hates the LGBTQ community….hates veterans and Tunnels to Towers project, called the gated veterans housing project a “homeless camp”….purchased 19,278 district 3 resident’s voter information with taxpayer money and placed it into public records…decimated wetland buffer zones…..wasted taxpayer dollars redoing his office because it wasn’t nice enough…..ripped out Florida friendly median landscaping and put in Royal Palms so we can sit in traffic when the water truck comes because there is no way to water them… I am sure that others can continue on with this list………….

From: Who is Kevin Van Ostenbridge?

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