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I had read of her “ checkered career” as a sheriffs deputy before. The issue with the Republican Committee is a new wrinkle and somewhat of another problem. I have noticed far too many of her election signs on private property which indicates people are actually going to vote for her - that’s scary because she is not only a poor choice to perform the job but she is not qualified to do the job. Many of her signs indicate, “ supported by law enforcement. Could the rank and file actually support a wayward officer?

The issue of, “ stolen valor,” a new buzzword on the campaign trail drives me crazy as it’s being used at all levels of government elections and it’s meaningless. I am a veteran and I will say that my active duty status in Vietnam is of no value in serving as an elected government official at any level. So let’s dump this stolen valor routine and concentrate on ability please. Jim Tierney

From: Who is April Culbreath?

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