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Well written, factual. But we keep re-electing R's like Will Robinson and Jim Boyd. These two have voted for every pre-emptive bill that has been proposed. These two consistently vote in favor of insurance companies and against consumer-based homeowners insurance reforms. These two consistently vote against transparency by adding public record exemptions year after year. These two voted to severely restrict the ability to file ethics law complaints. They voted to preempt any regulations that would require water breaks for outdoor workers like roofers, construction workers, farm workers, and landscapers. These two voted to make it harder to collect dues for some labor unions - teachers and nurses, but not other unions - police and fire. Whenever a local community comes up with a innovative initiative, on workforce housing for example, these two consistently vote to pre-empt. These two are influenced by the lobbyists that write the bills in Tallahassee. Vote accordingly.

From: Tropical Storm Debby Exposes Decades of Failed Republican Policies

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