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In Pennsylvania, all new development is required to keep all rain/stormwater on site. A developer is not allowed to let the storm water go off site on to neighboring property. Storm water is rain water from new roofs, driveways, patios, new roads, etc. - all newly built impervious surfaces. Large, DRY retention basins are required to be built ON THE NEW DEVELOPMENT, and all the rain water flows to pipes to empty in the retention basin. Basically they are big DRY holes, usually lined with grass - some are "rain gardens" that are lined with wetland-type plantings.

I don't understand why FL allows water-filled ponds as "storm water management." The pond is already water filled. So, it can't accept that much more water in a heavy rain....? Maybe someone can explain.

From: Manatee County Commissioners get Update on More Flooding Near Lake Manatee

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