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This isn't rocket science folks. The reservoir water level should have been reduced at the start of the rainy season to a significant level that would have allowed further lowering when the weather gurus predicted large rainfalls approaching. The lake isn't our only source of potable water. The emergency spillway should also spill into a canal designed to contain the water flow and direct it to a safe location, such as the bay or a secondary empty dam enclosure. All new construction should stop until this problem is resolved. Just as important is the contamination of the Gulf, rivers and estuaries with sewage overflow. This also needs engineering solutions. This is what happens when you allow developers to do as they please and not pay full impact fees to address these issues before they become a public emergency and a tax burden on the citizens of Manatee County

From: Manatee County Commissioners get Update on More Flooding Near Lake Manatee

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