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In spite of Holmes Beach Code and Comprehensive Plan (quoted below) and repeated resident monitoring and communication, neighboring properties still get flooded. Enforcement is needed.

"New development or redevelopment shall be responsible for on-site management of stormwater run-off in a manner so that post-development runoff rates, volumes and pollutant loads do not exceed existing conditions.

While development activity is under way and after it is completed, the characteristics of stormwater runoff shall approximate the rate, volume, quality, and timing of stormwater runoff that occurred under the site’s natural unimproved or existing state, except that the first one inch of stormwater runoff shall be treated in an off-line retention system. Retention areas should ensure the probability of flooding either upstream or downstream owner’s property is not increased."

From: Manatee County Commissioners get Update on More Flooding Near Lake Manatee

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