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What a ridiculous concept to even consider. Go to any state park in Florida and you will find dozens of golf courses within a few miles of every state park. Folks that go to state park school there for the nature and serenity of the natural environment not to listen to clubs beating up golf balls. In addition, there are a record number of golf courses that are closing and if the state wants to takeover of those golf courses then that’s the direction they should go but leave our state Parks alone.

Let’s not even bring up the environmental disaster that comes with golf courses in the tons of pesticides, the constant maintenance of gasoline powered equipment on a daily basis does not belong our sacred state Parks

That $18,000 golf simulator that was given to Governor Desantis must have subliminal microwave brainwashing capabilities.

WTF…Welcome To Florida

From: DeSantis touts environmental record amid criticism of plan to build golf courses in state parks

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