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It was a victorious day for Manatee County citizens. The cabal of the developer’s puppets are no more. We must be vigilant and keeping a short leash on the outgoing commissioners as they cannot be trusted ever. The Super majority of the developer’s puppets have been removed and the existing commissioners that have only two years left will either fall in line or they will go the way of their developer backed commissioners did this election. By then we should have great grassroots choices to replace them. One & Done in my book

Make no mistake they continue to violate the sunshine laws in fact Had private conversations during the Port Authority meeting that should have been heard by the public and was not, the attorney Sarah Elizabeth Warren said nothing and did nothing to correct these violations. That in itself will probably generate a Florida bar complaint.

There is a massive records request violation that is currently being heard by the courts Case 2024-CA-0569 currently has over 500 pages of documents against Charlie Bishop, Kevin Van Ostenbridge and James Satcher. Each defendant has outside counsel and I will guarantee you that their attorney bills will be astronomical and they will be coming back to the board for reimbursement…. JUST SAY NO!

3 down .. 3 to go … For the Record

From: BOCC Reverses on Parking Garage, Public Comments and Historical Site Management

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