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I'm impressed at how quickly the puppets are cutting their handler’s strings. I was half expecting to see the outbound seek revenge. Thank you, Kruse, for your diligence. Now we need to address the rampant overdevelopment and the damages it has and continues to cause including destruction of our environment, reduction of quality of life in our county, traffic congestion, over taxation of all of our public services and especially the costs and damages caused by the flooding which will only get worse if the offenders are not required to implement practical engineered mitigation measures immediately. My single largest concern is to what is going to happen when we have a REAL hurricane hit our county. As I have said repeatedly, the photos are not going to be of floating vehicles, but of floating bodies when it happens that travel way gridlock prevents people from escaping the storm and rising waters. There are remedies available, let’s see if anyone in county government has the fortitude to implement.

From: BOCC Reverses on Parking Garage, Public Comments and Historical Site Management

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