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Emotionalism versus Objectivity

Liberalism versus Conservatism

Precedence versus Law

It's classic. This is exactly the argument in the United States.

Example - Person 2 murders person 1 - Person 2 is proven guilty - Person 2 is penalized with Capital Punishment

Then the argument begins and the fact that Person 1 was murdered gets lost thus objectivity gets cast aside, Person 1 is murdered - Guns are made the bad guy and Society suffers the outcome. The case is emotionalized and the fact that Person 2 made a bad decision and action is pooh poohed. Then we can throw Racism in there and whatever the trending cause is an attempt to create chaos.

We still have equal opportunity in this Country, that is the power in our mind to choose to be a Winner or a Loser. That is in spite of whatever handicap we may think we have. We all are born equal with this capacity!

409 Harley makes an excellent case

From: Mass deportations would be a nightmare

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