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Dear commentors 409harley and pdsinc - I like that you read the article through and think this young person who grew up in America is worthy of being a citizen. But the true is she can not apply for citizenship through the normal route of naturalization... our immigration laws currently do not allow it. Look it up, I did.

She is in a "black hole" that only Congress can fix by changing the law to allow non-citizen kids here because their parents brought them. They grew-up as American, They have brothers and sisters, who were born, while their parents were here, thus are "birth citizens". The older kids, not citizens.

To be elible for naturalization, it's my understanding these kids would have to separate from their families... return to the country of their birth (which they know nothing of), and apply for visas under the immigration quota system... and get in line to return to the U.S. States - the end of the line... a very long line for most of the countries they are from! A very cruel and inhumane solution, when our Congress could do better for them, but won't!

Their parents broke our law coming illegally, these DACA kids were innocent, underaged children. Blame the parents for putting them in this horrible situation, also blame our Congress for not finding a humane solution - citizenship for them!

Did you know some of the DACA kids voluntarily serve in our military... and even that does not earn them U.S. Citizenship? We are a country failing in fairness and justice; and simple humane treatment of those who are innocent of any wrong doing!

From: Mass deportations would be a nightmare

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