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We are a nation of immigrants! Unless you are full blooded Native American, you are either an immigrant, or your forefathers were. The laws are not equitable. To not allow a reasonable path to citizenship to the residents who came to the US as children, that currently numbers over three and a half million people, is a broken system. Furthermore, DACA recipients currently contribute taxes annually: about $6.2 BILLION in Federal taxes and $3.3 billion in State and local taxes annually. You probably know or have interacted with DACA recepients (likely without your knowledge), as these are members in our communities and neighbors across the nation. These individuals are professionals, teachers, business owners, employees, and in every respect members of our communities. Project 2025 policy is to deport ALL who are not citizens. Not only would this be a horrible injustice to our hard working non-citizen neighbors, it would disrupt our entire economy causing huge labor shortages nationwide in all sectors of our economy. Ruth Lawler

From: Mass deportations would be a nightmare

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