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You will see the same wave in the city of Bradenton as we have seen in the county. Citizens are fed up with the cronyism with developers and back door deals. I have witnessed several sunshine violations on a routine basis within the city of Bradenton council. You have a state's attorney who doesn't think it's worthwhile to prosecute sunshine violations and therefore rarely is anything done to correct the problem. Bill Saunders is a whistleblower and that's why he was marginalized during the last election cycle. He will be a breath of fresh air and bring accountability and transparency back to the city of Bradenton that has been lacking for years.

If you really want to get to know Bill come on our to our meet and great on Wednesday September 4th from 5pm to 7pm at the great Wilder’s Pizza located at 827 14th St W. BTW…. When was the last time mayor Gene Brown had a meet and greet?

I thought so, I can’t remember either…For The Record

From: Bill Sanders Challenges Gene Brown in Bradenton Mayoral Race

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