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Trent, so are the Republican voters who put these bozos (much more mild of a word than I am thinking) in office also not "true" Republicans? This whole RINO argument is getting very confusing.

Not trying to be a jerk, but I just think the Rs need to take complete responsibility in Manatee for this mess. That includes the same work not having been done 2 years ago to make sure these imbeciles weren't elected in the first place. The reality is Dems have very little voice in Manatee so let's not bundle this into a "both sides have issues" argument. It's not pertinent.

Yes, good strides were made in this recent primary, but the damage will leave scars. The Rs got us here to begin with so there should only be so many self congratulations; there should also be some mea culpas.

From: Celebrating Grassroots Success: A Nod to the Republican Assembly of Manatee County

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