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Read the resolution uploaded to the agenda. Per description: "Transfers $13,100,000 to reserves in General Fund from the Building Capital Projects fund for the Administration Center New Parking Garage project to reallocate and utilize funding more efficiently. Funding for this project is delayed due to time constraints and will be funded when needed. Also transfers $13.1M from reserves to the Parks and Recreational Capital projects fund for the Seafood Shack/Boat Ramp Land Acquisition project to acquire property."

Where in that resolution is Peninsula Bay ramp funds mentioned except at board meeting? Where is boat ramp funding mentioned?

According to resolution, they took the money from the admin parking garage. Guess the administration parking garage is no longer critical to replace in the detriment to staff and citizen safety.

From: Manatee County to Purchase Waterfront Restaurant to Use as Public Boat Ramp/Marina

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