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I am a democrat - small d and big D - and I agree with any Republican, that any candidate that puts their goals and objectives above the laws and principles of the Constitution and founding documents of this nation is not "fit" or worthy of holding office in its government at any level! And certainly, not the office of president. This government was by design one that would allow each of the three branches to serve as a check and balance on the other... this princple guide appears to have been broken; by less principled individuals elected, or appointed or both! We expect the best people to serve - with honesty and honor. A great country cannot stay great with less!

A history lesson may be seen looking back as recent as the twentieth century, when Italy, Germany, and yes, the USSR, were able to have "strongmen" rule: Mussolini, Hitler, and Stalin. They were cults of "one-man" above-the-law" rule. History as shown us how well that turned out! Do we see efforts to make that happen here? God forbid!

From: Prominent Republicans Speak Out

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