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KVO, his usual self, asked the county attorney if the county could be exposed to litigation based on reverting back to the wetlands buffers previously in the Comp Plan. He needs to remember that Delisi (who represented the changes to remove the buffers, after Kimley-Horn was removed) was previously the agent in 2 civil suits regarding the wetland buffers and LOST both in court. The state does not say counties must abide by their regulation. This is only a minimum and they do recommend being more stringent. It helps that Orange County (an inland county) went to a 100 foot buffer for most projects after Manatee County removed their buffers.

I would like to hear the county's reason for using 7 outside attorneys instead of staff attorneys in the case against McClash. If staff could argue the two cases in court about the buffers and win, why did they feel the need to outsource legal services in this case?

From: Meanwhile, in Bizzaro World

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