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I drive Prospect Rd. practically on a daily basis and there is really no traffic jam until you get the 63rd and that is backed up east and West far greater than any traffic on prospect. We are currently 30,000 units short of workforce housing this project provides at least 25% which is going to help a lot of people that can't afford market rate rents. Anything with an affordable housing component in I'm all for it if every project had an affordable housing component even in expensive gated communities we would not have a shortage of workforce housing shame on the greedy developers for not stepping up to the plate and not building even a small percentage of affordable workforce housing in their developments. Live work and play where you live, unless of course your in a gated community, then they want none of you working stiffs in their housing development... For The Record

From: Planning Commission Recommends Density Increase Despite Flood Concerns

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