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I feel for the 61 homeowners of Centre Lake, our planking board members and BOCC should too.

As a former resident of this small neighborhood for eleven years (87-98) we endured two water/flooding incidents (88 and 92). Both time's we heard the term 100 year flood. Centre Lake was built around 1986. The residents have heard the 100 year flood event at least 6 times in the 38 years of existence. We still have many friends that have lived thru all these flooding events and suffered rebuilding several times over. I watched the planning board and all the citizen comments, including the newer communities around Centre Lake they seem to provide excellent suggestions. Sadly, the Planning board moved to approve. Hopefully the same citizens will attend the BOCC mtg and voice strongly to deny until all the needs (Prospect Rd, 63 Ave East and Centre Lake) are solved. After Hurricane Andrew impacted South Florida in 1992, all building codes were changed and made stronger. Same is true with our flooding, and we should pause until these issues can be fixed.

From: Planning Commission Recommends Density Increase Despite Flood Concerns

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